Adventure Time: “Cherry Cream Soda”

Adventure Time: “Cherry Cream Soda” Season 7, Episode 3 Air Date: November 4, 2015 Root Beer Guy was set up to be one of Adventure Time 's later-series breakout characters, debuting in season five's “Root Beer Guy” (a season highlight in the show's greatest season), but tragically died a year later in season six's “Something Big”, sacrificing himself to save the Candy Kingdom. Root Beer Guy's widow Cherry Cream Soda takes centre stage in her titular episode, which explores one character's grief in a way previously unseen in this series. We've had death and mourning in Adventure Time before (“James”), but not from the perspective of a person mourning the death of a romantic partner; specifically, a wife grieving over her dead husband. The opening four minutes in “Cherry Cream Soda” are among the most quietly sad and thoughtful the show has produced, where we discover Cherry Cream Soda has dreams every night recounting Root Beer Guy's death. C...