The Valiant is an Early Contender for Comic Event of the Year

Valiant With the aptly titled The Valiant , Valiant Comics is doing something special: they are mastering the rarely seen self-contained Event comic. It feels appropriate that this title is running at the same time Marvel and DC are prepping for Secret Wars and Convergence , the biggest Event comics to come from the Big Two in the last three years. These story lines will effect both companies' entire publishing lines. Secret Wars and Convergence are going to be unavoidable to Marvel and DC fans this spring and summer. The Event comic and its seemingly endless number of tie-ins and cross-overs is smart business, but alienating to a vocal portion of comic book readers, myself included in that group. I don't like feeling obligated to buy more comics than I already do just to collect the entirety of story lines that I'm forced to read, not ones I necessarily want to. Most often, my favourite comics from Marvel and DC are the smaller, weirder, self contained titles. Th...