50 Best Comics of the Decade (2010-2015) Thus Far: Part 4 (#35-31)

Valiant Comics 35. Quantum and Woody (Valiant, 2013-2015, #0-12, Valiant-Sized Quantum and Woody #1, Quantum and Woody Must Die #1-4) Writers - James Asmus, Tim Siedell (Valiant-Sized One Shot) Illustrators - Tom Fowler, Ming Doyle, Kano, Wilfredo Torres, Erica Henderson, Joe Cooper, Pere Perez, Steve Lieber Colourists - Jordie Bellaire, Allen Passalaqua, Wil Quintana, Dave McCaig Letterers - Dave Lanphear Quantum and Woody is something of an anomaly in the Valiant library. Not a part of the original Valiant universe, they weren't created until the late '90s during the reviled era set up after video game company Acclaim bought out Valiant and relaunched the entire universe with game-esque comics that they could use as launching points for actual console games. Christopher Priest and Mark Bright accomplished the impossible by actually making a beloved comic under these dubious conditions, the only Acclaim-era Valiant book anyone talks about with any fondness. Even st...