Book of Death: The Bloody Opera That's Going to Attract New Valiant Readers

Valiant If The Valiant 's focus was kick-starting the next chapter in Bloodshot's life (with Bloodshot Reborn ) , then the same can be said about Book of Death and Eternal Warrior . Now that it's been confirmed that Wrath of the Eternal Warrior debuts this November, it'll be interesting to see just how much the latter issues of Book of Death are going to shake up Gilad's life. Gilad is currently protecting the newest and youngest incarnation of the Geomancers, a young girl named Tama (who debuted just earlier this year towards the end of The Valiant ). In the Valiant universe, the Geomancer is a mysterious mystic who watches over humanity and protects the Earth. When one Geomancer dies, another is immediately summoned. The Eternal Warrior has made it his life mission to protect the Geomancer at all costs. What makes Tama different from previous incarnations is that she comes from the distant future, and arrived on present day Earth with The Book of the Ge...