Looney Revue, Part 5 1936-1937: Now for Something a Little Daffy

Milk and Money (1936, dir: Tex Avery) brings back the father-and-son dynamic last seen in Porky the Rain-maker (the father clearly tells us that his son is Porky in this one) and introduces mischievous little Hank Horsefly. Hank has a liking to the Porkys, and when he uses his stinger it causes either a little trouble or helps the characters along. Porky plows the field with his slow-horse, and one sting from Hank on the horse's bottom, causes the horse to run, which helps them finish the job in seconds. Their cruel landlord, Mr. Viper, who slithers across the ground and might as well be twirling his mustache to further exude his villainy, wants to evict Father Porky and Little Porky unless they can pay up a large sum of money which they obviously do not have. After Viper leaves, Father explains to Porky that their outlook is looking "pretty dark, son. pretty dark". The screen literally dims as this is said, with heavy shades of grey clouding everything in ...